The Golden State takes pride in their dairy goldmine. In a press release published on PRNewswire, the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) echoes Governor Jerry Brown in proclaiming June as the state’s “Real California Milk Month.” Aside from celebrating milk and other dairy foods, the state also honors the various benefits of these products.

The 30 Days of California Dairy celebration is moving full speed ahead with a calendar of tips for easily incorporating dairy daily. Whether it’s sprinkling Oaxaca cheese on your Taco Tuesday meal, or creating the perfect buttered popcorn recipe for movie night, each 140 character tip is made for easy sharing. The bite-size tips provide the perfect reminder for how simple it is to enjoy protein- and calcium-rich dairy products daily.

Industry News

Although regular consumption of dairy products is deemed beneficial to health, it can also lead to discomfort or disease in certain situations. People who experience any of the following symptoms after drinking or eating dairy products can opt for urgent care in South San Francisco that ensures accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment.


Milk allergy or sensitivity toward any milk proteins like casein and whey is often identified in childhood. People can experience symptoms like wheezing, coughing, diarrhea, and hives even if only small amounts of milk are consumed (e.g. in baked goods with milk, in food with milk derivatives labelled as non-dairy, etc.).

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance occurs when the individual cannot digest the sugar in milk because the small intestine produces low levels of the enzyme lactase. Stomach cramps, bloating, dehydration from loose stools or vomiting, and gas are among the common signs of the condition.

Foodborne Illness

Anybody who drinks raw (unpasteurized), improperly stored, or expired milk inevitably suffers digestive upsets as the bacteria in rotten milk can disrupt the digestive system. Such a person can experience either diarrhea or constipation. In worst-case scenarios, vomiting, abdominal pain, and even flulike symptoms may be evident.

These non-life threatening conditions can be managed in a South San Francisco urgent care setting, such as a facility run by U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group. Aside from pertinent medical advice, medical histories, diagnostic or laboratory tests, and other pertinent procedures form part of such urgent care services.

(Source: California Celebrates June Dairy Month In A Dairy Big Way, PRNewswire, June 4, 2014)