Did you know that the Christmas holiday is actually one of the most accident-prone seasons year in and year out? From house fires caused by Christmas tree lights and faulty wiring to drunk-driving accidents on the road, a host of injuries are reported within this short time frame each year.

Other examples of holiday accidents are those incurred from putting decorations in place. It may seem like an odd match, considering that decorating your house or office is perceived as a frivolity. Actually, this chore is not only tiring, but is also downright risky.

Following are some possible scenarios that may require you to seek help from your local South San Francisco urgent care center.

Knee Pain

Sprained/Fractured Limbs. This usually occurs after a slip or fall. If you’re putting up lights or other displays in high places, make sure to use a sturdy ladder. Also, check beforehand if there are any ledges or holds that you can grab for added support in case you start to fall.

Breaking a fall with your wrists or arms can break bones. While this is understandably difficult to avoid in the moment of panic, try to fall so that you land on your backside.

Head Injuries. Spraining your limbs is not the only possible result from a slip or fall. You can also hit your head on a hard surface, which may lead to head trauma. Following a hard impact to the head, it is important to stay awake at all costs and then see a doctor immediately. Open wounds must also be treated as soon as possible to avoid further infection.

Lacerations. This is another possible byproduct of slipping and falling. You can get cut and wounded from broken decorations in the midst of your task. To prevent this scenario, make sure to clear your work area first and keep all your tools organized and away from the action. Don’t leave tools lying around haphazardly, lest you trip over them and hurt yourself, thus impeding your enjoyment of the holiday season.

Overall, these examples of injuries are all avoidable given the right amount of precautions. Do realize that accidents sometimes occur, despite your best efforts to stay safe. In this event, visit a provider of urgent care serving South San Francisco, such as U.S. HealthWorks, for the appropriate first aid and medication.

Don’t Fall for Christmas Lights: Illuminating Safety in Holiday Decorating, US News
Holiday Decoration Safety Tips from the CPSC, USGovInfo